Kettle Point First Nation
About Us
We are family! Our main focus is to present a family atmosphere. FBI:KP is comprised of First Nations and non First Nations people, all focused on walking together in Christ. With love, hope, joy, and faith we encourage each other to achieve the next step of faith for our lives. Family has been instituted before the five fold ministry, therefore we must focus on what makes a strong family, and strive to walk forward in love.
Our fellowship together is growing stronger and stronger. Throughout the week we meet and share in the Word, at the same time sharing in fellowship, joy, eating and a little far fetched stories. During the week we have a seniors meeting, ladies fellowship, mid-week bible study, and leadership sessions. Our heart is to see this love grow, as we have started local outreaches to the community.
Pastor Murray and Tracy Shawnoo founded Victorious Faith Fellowship Church in 2003, with a heart of love, compassion and faithfulness. Their heart is to see the end time harvest come in, to see the broken hearted made whole, to sickness leave bodies in the name of Jesus, and to give glory to God the Father in every aspect of this ministry. We strive to produce a church of excellence, and live a life sanctified unto the Lord.
As of 2020 Victorious Faith Fellowship Church has went through a name change and is now Faith Builders International.
Meet The Pastors

Murray Shawnoo
Pastor Murray is the founder and senior pastor of FBIKP. Pastors heart is to see people built up in faith, and be all that God has called them to be.

Tim Shawnoo
Pastor Tim is an associate pastor at FBIKP. His ministry involves sharing the Word, being apart of the worship team, and multimedia ministry.